I am on to you and your evol tricks. Oh yes I am. But you see, I am stronger than you. No matter how pretty you make the cover and no matter how well it goes with my blog I will not buy a tradesize reprint of two Diana Palmer novella’s I already own.

Oh no I won’t! But I want too.

Hard To Handle

Look! The Purple! Horses! The Pretty! It is book crack I tell you. No, I won’t do it! Of course… it is on sale…
eHarlequin.com's Cowboy Sale

It doesn’t really count as a trade buy if it is on sale, does it?

I mean I was gonna buy the other book anyway, no really, stop looking at me like that I was! I mean look at that list! There are tons of nifty things to buy. Not just the pretty purple horses.

le sigh… I have no shame. Oh I misunderstood. The other book is 50% off not the Palmer and really if I am gonna give in it is less than 10 bucks at Wal-mart. Uh I think, it isn’t like I have looked or anything.