I love to reread my favorite books. And right now I am fighing the want to reread. I have no business rereading anything with my tbr pile like it is….

I have OOP books to read that were a bitch and a half to find. I have books coming out later in the year to read and see if they would work for a guest author days. There are a few sequels due out soon that I want to read the first book in the series.

My tbr list as a tbr list. And what do I want to do? Reread Lover Awakened. Or Lover Eternal. Oh hell I want to reread the whole series. I have been trying to put away some books. Hoping for the ‘out of sight out of mind thing to kick in’ and I need the space, only that makes it worse.

I suddenly find myself reading a scene from Devil in Winter. I tell myself, just a scene. Then I will stop. On a group I am on for whatever reason we have been talking about Stephaine Lauren’s. So of course I find myself dying to go take a peek at Devil’s Bride. le sigh… but it is never a peek.

Movies are easier at least for me because they don’t take my complete focus. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have seen Grease, Heathers or the Rocky Horror Picture Show. And I LOVE to turn on HBO on demand and replay my favorite comedy specials. But not gonna do it. So instead I will finish putting some books away to make some space, so I can figure out what I need to get read by when.

But first… maybe just a small peek…

What was the last book you reread? Or do you never ever feel the need to reread?