I love to reread my favorite books. And right now I am fighing the want to reread. I have no business rereading anything with my tbr pile like it is….
I have OOP books to read that were a bitch and a half to find. I have books coming out later in the year to read and see if they would work for a guest author days. There are a few sequels due out soon that I want to read the first book in the series.
My tbr list as a tbr list. And what do I want to do? Reread Lover Awakened. Or Lover Eternal. Oh hell I want to reread the whole series. I have been trying to put away some books. Hoping for the ‘out of sight out of mind thing to kick in’ and I need the space, only that makes it worse.
I suddenly find myself reading a scene from Devil in Winter. I tell myself, just a scene. Then I will stop. On a group I am on for whatever reason we have been talking about Stephaine Lauren’s. So of course I find myself dying to go take a peek at Devil’s Bride. le sigh… but it is never a peek.
Movies are easier at least for me because they don’t take my complete focus. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I have seen Grease, Heathers or the Rocky Horror Picture Show. And I LOVE to turn on HBO on demand and replay my favorite comedy specials. But not gonna do it. So instead I will finish putting some books away to make some space, so I can figure out what I need to get read by when.
But first… maybe just a small peek…
What was the last book you reread? Or do you never ever feel the need to reread?
My last re-read was a Lindsey — MAN OF MY DREAMS.
I re-read when I’m a) sick, 2) in a slump, C) starting or ending a new book (writing it, I mean).
I just finished re-reading the first four of the J.D. Robb IN DEATH series. Like Meljean, one of the times I re-read is when I’m sick. To help me through my latest cold, I wanted to revist Eve and Roarke as they were developing their relationship.
It is really unusual for me to reread. Last year I reread one book that I last read in high school. It’s not that I don’t want to reread – I mean after all that’s why I have a bookshelf full of books that I can’t let go of in case I want to read again, but then I look at all the books I own that I haven’t read, all the books I have out of the library, and all the other books on my TBR list and just can’t bring myself to reread. Theres too many good books out there that I haven’t discovered yet!
Well, after Lover Revealed I have started Dark Lover . . .
My last reread was THE SECRET by Julie Garwood….I always go back to that one for some reason…my very first romance novel that I read when I was 17 years old…I skimmed/reread it on my 33rd birthday 2 days ago. *G*
I just finished Natural Born Charmer, SEP, and then moved on to re-read This Heart of Mine and Lady be Good. Not sure why I had the urge to re-read them because they are almost the same type of storylines.
I don’t re-read much because I too have a TBR which is taking over my office and my bedroom. Sometimes the urge just hits to read an old favorite.
Endurance by SL Viehl. Actually, all of the Stardoc books, although I reread Endurance twice. I reread the entire series whenever a new one comes out.
I say go for it on the reread, ’cause even though you may be reading something else, you’r heart is in the reread. And last book I reread was Bone Deep – only this time in print form. And I have a real hankerin’ to reread Drop Dead Gorgeous. It’s calling me and it doesn’t care that I just bought a whole bunch more. I can hear Blair nagging at me to read about her and Wyatt again.
A Kiss To Remember by Teresa Medeiros.
I am a huge re reader. Pretty much that’s how I decide what’s going to be a keeper, if I think I might be pulling it out for a read. Not necessarily the whole thing, just my favorite bits. I have re-read the Ward’s a bunch of times.
Other re-reads are Chase’s Lord of Scoundrels, Brockway’s As You Desire and several Kleypas’. My all time re-read author is Elizabeth Peters though.
I reread all the time. The last thing I reread was Nora Roberts’ Key trilogy. I reread alot of historicals too, Kleypas’, Quinn’s and Eloisa James’.
I reread all the time and usually don’t even bother to include them on my books read list or spreadsheet. I’ll pick something up reread parts, the ending and then start at the beginning. Linda Howard, Eloisa James, Laura Lee Guhrke and SEP are my favorites but I’ll reread just about anything if the mood strikes.
The last book I reread was LaVyrle Spencer’s MORNING GLORY. It was the book that made me fall in love with the romance genre. I was so disappointed when Ms. Spencer stopped writing. I think she was one of the masters of the craft. Generally, though, I don’t reread much–way too many new titles to attract my attention, and I don’t keep up with them!
I reread Sarah McCarty’s Promise series. I don’t re-read alot, but I tend to glom an author and re-read all the books when I do.
BTW, EC, I was totally devastated when Lavryle Spencer stopped writing romance. Her books really stand up. HUMMINGBIRD is one of my all time favorite books ever!
ohhhhhhh I loved MORNING GLORY!! I have read that at least three times. Sooo good.
Its hard to just say you’ll pick up and read a little and end up reading more. The one i’ve done is ANNIE’S SONG by Catherine Anderson and each time I cry! Thats one I read from beginning to end again. But most others I read parts and I have post its in it of scenes, like CAPTAIN JACK’S WOMAN by Stephanie Laurens. Some scenes that are memoriable.