JR Ward covers

I have been thinking about what to do on JR Ward’s guest day for a bit now. Lover Revealed is her fourth book and her third time to visit.
So I didn’t want to do the same ol same ol we have done in the past:

Lover Eternal Recap

Lover Awakened Recap

But what to do….

And I came up with a nifty idea! LOL but I think it is better suited to October *eg*

But today is JR Ward‘s day and as her schedule has been kicking her ass. I am going to be posting some topics and as ALWAYS you are welcome to comment in them all.

I decided we would do a mix. Something random. Something fun. Something a little bit bookish and a little bit not. Basically it will be situation normal *g*. Oddly enough JR Ward agreed to join in. Poor girl, I should feel bad taking advantage of the jet lagged.

She will stopping by and wants to answer your questions but we can’t say for sure when she will get to them all. Any questions you want to be SURE she sees put in the Q&A post I will put up around 2ish CST.

Of course you are welcome to ask anything but don’t be shocked if you don’t get an answer, don’t like the answer or get a “keep reading”.

JR Ward covers