Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red)Alluring Tales--Awaken the Fantasy (Avon Red)

Alluring Tales Author



small qmarkWhat is your favorite word?

Moist–it’s soft and wet and caressable

small qmarkWhat is your least favorite word?

No–there’s not another word that will get me bristling faster

small qmarkWhat turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?

External things aren’t my “triggers”–so it’s not going to be lighting candles or putting on some sexy music, although those things can help extend a mood. I have to see my hero and my “world” in my head, have to walk around with the characters and talk to them. When I get to know them well enough, then I can write them. When I’m in that place, I’m buzzing, tripping, dying to get to the computer. When the writing is flowing, that’s when I’m happiest and my most energetic.

small qmarkWhat turns you off?

I get bad “vibes” off certain things and people. I couldn’t be around a really negative person, or one who’s very judgmental or intransigent. Negative advertising, emails–they stop me cold and kill my muse or at least send her sulking for an hour or two.

small qmarkWhat is your favorite curse word?

Fuck. I love the raw, crude sound of it. You can use it as a noun or a verb. I love the verb and use it often in very nasty ways!

small qmarkWhat sound or noise do you love?

Moist slaps 🙂

small qmarkWhat sound or noise do you hate?

My dog barking, because it means I have to leave the keyboard and play with him or feed him–not that I don’t love my dog, but he does choose his times well.

small qmarkWhat profession other than your own would you like to attempt?

Foreign correspondent. I love traveling, love the adrenaline buzz of going into dangerous places, and love coping with communications and orienting in a new environment.

small qmarkWhat profession would you not like to do?

Anything with numbers. I’m actually quite good at math, but it’s so cut and dried–no room for wiggle or creativity.

small qmarkIf Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?

Come on in, Delilah, we have Casanova parked on a satin bed to show you the ropes!

DDThanks Delilah!!! It has been great having you around.

Now it is your turn!!!

Ask Delilah a question. If you still have any *g*. And no “Can I have Into the Darkness” is not a good question. 🙂