What is your favorite word?
Moist–it’s soft and wet and caressable
What is your least favorite word?
No–there’s not another word that will get me bristling faster
What turns you on creatively, spiritually or emotionally?
External things aren’t my “triggers”–so it’s not going to be lighting candles or putting on some sexy music, although those things can help extend a mood. I have to see my hero and my “world” in my head, have to walk around with the characters and talk to them. When I get to know them well enough, then I can write them. When I’m in that place, I’m buzzing, tripping, dying to get to the computer. When the writing is flowing, that’s when I’m happiest and my most energetic.
What turns you off?
I get bad “vibes” off certain things and people. I couldn’t be around a really negative person, or one who’s very judgmental or intransigent. Negative advertising, emails–they stop me cold and kill my muse or at least send her sulking for an hour or two.
What is your favorite curse word?
Fuck. I love the raw, crude sound of it. You can use it as a noun or a verb. I love the verb and use it often in very nasty ways!
What sound or noise do you love?
Moist slaps 🙂
What sound or noise do you hate?
My dog barking, because it means I have to leave the keyboard and play with him or feed him–not that I don’t love my dog, but he does choose his times well.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
Foreign correspondent. I love traveling, love the adrenaline buzz of going into dangerous places, and love coping with communications and orienting in a new environment.
What profession would you not like to do?
Anything with numbers. I’m actually quite good at math, but it’s so cut and dried–no room for wiggle or creativity.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Come on in, Delilah, we have Casanova parked on a satin bed to show you the ropes!
Thanks Delilah!!! It has been great having you around.
Now it is your turn!!!
Ask Delilah a question. If you still have any *g*. And no “Can I have Into the Darkness” is not a good question. 🙂
If one of your books was made into a movie, what actors would you choose to play the hero and the heroine?
For Ice Man in Kili’s Ice Man (Alluring Tales), I’d need a really large, buff blonde play Ice Man. The only man I can think of who would fit the bill would be Dolph Lundgren.
My Rene in Into the Darkness is a dark, burly Cajun. Can’t really think of a guy who would look like that, but he’d have to be manly rather than pretty–maybe Russell Crowe in Gladiator.
As for heroines…they are all parts of me–a slimmer, prettier, younger me of course! I want any woman reading the stories to put herself in the heroine’s place.
Hi Delilah!
I too love the favorite curse word as you. It is so universal and everyone knows the word. Needless to say I try not to use it in public. When do you find yourself using that word the most. I find myself using the word the most when I am driving.
When you are getting ready to write a book how do you get youself in the right frame of mind? Do you wake up in the middle of the night with a story idea and start typing away or do you keep a notepad and pen with you at all times and write down your ideas when they come to you?
What is your favorite part of being a mother? What is your least favorite?
I get ideas, snippets of dialogue, titles everywhere!
Sometimes, when I’m drifting off to sleep and I’ve been thinking of that world, I’ll see the next scene and have to lunge out of bed to go write it down.
Sometimes, I’m blowdrying my hair–you know, the heat, the hum–kinda sends me into Nirvana. I have a notepad in the bathroom.
Sometimes, I’m driving to work and my mind tends to wander (not good for the other drivers on the road, but good for my muse). I have a tape recorder I carry everywhere with me to capture my thoughts.
My favorite part of being a mother is the hugs.
My least favorite part–not being able to “direct” my kids in the direction I know they need to go!
If you had one do-over in your life, what would it be?
You talk about your favorite books on your webiste, great list, BTW, so what kind of books would we never find on your keeper shelf?
Great Mom answers, Delilah. There is nothing better than a just because hug from a child, no matter how old they are. And having to stand back and let our kids make mistakes, is one of the hardest parts of being a parent. Have you got that whole “talk to the hand”, thing yet?
The best thing about being a mother is the reward of watching them grow up and become an great adult. Then there are times when you are watching them without them knowing and see certain things they do that makes them unique. Then sometimes I watch them and tear up asking where did the time go so quickly but they are bitter sweet memories!
What is your all time favorite dessert?
What was the most difficult book for you to write Delilah?I know authors get stumped sometimes like others do.
Hmmm…if I had one do-over? I’d never get married!! I’d be the naughty girl who slept her way through the Western hemisphere–so many men, so little time!
Okay, that’s dreaming. For real? I’d have started writing in my 20’s!
What kinds of books would never be on my keeper shelf? Anything with a Beta male–they BORE me.
Anything with an accountant, businessman, Greek tycoon hero. A Harlequin Presents. Ooooh! I could keep going, but you get my drift. I’d rather read about a plumber than a sheik!
My all-time favorite desert? I love devil’s food cake with vanilla ice cream. Oh, and I love lemon meringue pie. And strawberry shortcake. Oh! And German cheesecake. Do I really have to choose?
The hardest book for me to write?
I can’t really remember. I think Ride a Cowboy was pretty hard, because it was a rewrite of a “sweet” romance. I should have scrapped the whole thing rather than layer and layer and layer. Gawd! It turned out well, but it was soooo painful.
Yum on the desserts. Just add some hot fudge sauce to that chocolate cake and ice cream, oh man, now I’m hungry. And I would rather read about a hot, alpha plumber than a sheik, anyday. I don’t read romance for reality, I want the over the top hunks please.
who is your favorite actor/actress?
what movies do you like?
My favorite actor is Russel Crowe–his explosive, passionate nature only makes him hotter to me. Then there’s Gerard Butler–couldn’t you just melt if he was whispering naughty things in your ear?
Actresses? At the moment, I don’t love anyone. Julia is busy being mommy–and good for her. Angelina is always interesting to watch. Love Kate Winslet–absolutely stunning!!