BookshelfNora Roberts raised a good point in her comment below

If I could rub a lamp and have one wish granted during these review/blog/reader/writer discussions it would be that the posters who tend to lump all writers together as if we were The Borg remember, we’re separate, individual and will have varying opinions–and levels of those opinions–on pretty much every issue. I mean that, sincerely, when praise or criticism is expressed.

My letter was styled after the one on RtB but I did edit to add the word some in front of authors. Just as one blogger doesn’t speak for us all, it shouldn’t be implied one author-to-be speaks for all authors. I don’t see anything wrong with authors being drawn to pollyanna style of blog/websites. And agree with what Teresa Medeiros states in the RtB comments:

My honest theory is that writers need to stay away from almost all review sites on the internet.

If an author doesn’t want to see any sort of bad review, clicking on a site you know will never post a bad review and runs off any sort of dissenting opinion, is safe. And has to create a level of comfort for some, not to say the same authors wouldn’t be more than happy to be in an environment that allows honest discussion.

popartduckieI rarely visit RBtheBook/blog because I don’t like the style it is ran in. Since it is tied to TV news websites all the random hits it gets from people looking at the days news (many who would probably never pick up a romance novel) are treated to a page that enforces the typical romance reader stereotypes. And it helps imply ‘those women romance authors’ can’t take anything but sunshine or they might cry and run from the room, never to write again.

I know you can’t be a NY Times Best Seller without fangirls and I know there is nothing wrong with the silly fun of lusting over cover models or picking out what hero you want to take home for the evening. But I would rather have joe and jane everyone, who believes romance is stupid and the readers mindless, exposed to the honest thoughts of dear author, complete reviews of AAR and the intelligent snarky opinions on romanceland from smart bitches.

popartduckieAt the same time I know we shouldn’t be waiting around for the world at large to respect us. And they never ever will until we can do it. So it majority annoys me whenever I hear the war cry of STOP the MEAN GIRLS. If you don’t like it don’t read it…. that should be the same for books or blogs.

If authors (or whoever) want to start reviewing blogs, shouldn’t they do the same thing expected of us: be informative, ethical, and entertaining. There was really nothing wrong with the RtB post other than it was incomplete and not informative.

And I see nothing wrong with “Reader’s Opinions”. I read blogs because I want their opinions. So if someone says they bought book X and hated it because they are so over plot x or loved it because or plot c. There is still a good chance it will spike my interest. I will take “Reader’s Opinions” over a paid sqqquuueee any day. But that is another post for another day….

NYbabeSooooo Author’s AND/OR Readers what do you want to see in reviews? What would you like to see less of? How would you do it? How do you do it (links). Who do you think does it well? Have you ever bought a book off of a Harriet Klausner review? Do you even read reviews? Is anyone even in blogland this weekend?

(yes wendy it is animal cruelty but really the horse can’t die again no matter how many times we beat it 😉 )