Or is this just awful?

The funny thing is I hit on this page after looking into The Crossroads Cafe because the ever wonderful wendy said it rocked.

So after reading the first few pages of the excerpt… going back to wendy’s review to see how I screwed up the authors name… googling Deborah Smith… going back to wendy’s site to see if she had fessed up to whatever crack she has been smoking… I decided to blog about it cuz horrid writing should be shared.

THEN I noticed if I had just read the amazon reviews (who knew?!?) my answer would have been found in the first posted review from wendy’s Deborah Smith:

If you’re a confused reader trying to find one of my novels such as the NYT bestselling A Place To Call Home or Sweet Hush, you’re probably wondering when I began writing pseudo-sexual “Christian” novels with lurid titles. Well, I didn’t. I’ve been publishing award-winning mainstream novels for nearly twenty years under my name, Deborah Smith, and this new “Deborah Smith” is someone else. Someone whose work I would dearly love to NOT see included when my book lists pop up. Since so far I haven’t been able to convince Amazon.com to post ANY distinction between us, I hope my readers will complain to Amazon when they order “Sex Secrets of Pistol-Whipped Ministers” or whatever this stuff is, by mistake.

All I have to say is that sucks. Poor Deborah Smith. Of course she should be happy because according to Amazon:

What do customers ultimately buy after viewing this item?
62% buy The Crossroads Cafe by Deborah Smith $12.03

You can too if you like here or here.

I am still a little up in the air about it. So do tell me if you have read it.