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It was only a matter of time before Godwin’s Law was updated. For those of you not use to flame wars and/or internet stupidity, Godwin’s Law:

As an online discussion grows longer, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler approaches one.

god this brings a tear to my eye… oh yes it is a single tear…

If you are not playing the home game. Holly Lisle said something stupid, jane dared to blog her opinion about it, linking to Holly‘s own post, holly had kittens, jane posted regarding a demand for sorry’s, hugs and air kisses, which ended with holly doing one of the worst things in online netiquette.

The comments on holly’s post are golden and filled with wisdom. My personal fave being from pugh7755, who seems to really love bloggers which is shown in his comment

…The more comments they receive the happier they are. A sad excuse for a life really. They are the Al Qaeda of the blog world.

Although Diana Peterfreund’s comment does run a very close second. I guess she wouldn’t blink an eye if someone fell on her land and said something like… ‘wow – you have a dangerous situation here and I was hurt by it. I wonder what a lawyer would say.’

Hmmm well I guess Holly beats pugh because she links to herself, her own words and thoughts and then has no issue with blaming jane for how bookstores (not sellers because she never ever addressed people just the ‘stores’, we won’t even get into how she thinks bricks sell books) misunderstood her post. She says in her comments

These two somehow managed to, and have managed to piss off a number of other booksellers and a whole bunch of potential readers toward me for no reason at all.

So I guess that means not only does holly hate chain bookstores, she thinks booksellers are too stupid to read and form an opinion but can only be spoon fed info from jane.

Oh who knows which is the best comment… they are all comic gold. No worries you can make up your own mind. Really! I do wonder though, when the fuck did jane get all powerful and why the fuck didn’t anyone tell me? I feel so out of the loop. I wonder if this has shown up on fandom wank yet.