Ask For It by Sylvia Day

Tweet I just finished this, it was much better than I expected. I had a couple of issues with it but not really with the ‘spy’ part. Shall post more on it later, now to figure out where I put From London with Love. Sylvia Day is an author I found on the...

A couple of Heaths

Tweet I must confess my first book by Lorraine Heath was An Invitation to Seduction. Over all I recall liking it. After I read it I heard how wonderful her Texas books were but I didn’t read westerns so I passed. Fast forward to postelizabethlowell omg I love...

Ass kissing not required

Tweet Of course it’s optional… MaryJanice Davidson rules for blogging: RRB rule #1: Blog visitors must kiss the bloggee’s ass. This is where you pucker up This seems to be a pretty common thought, at least from non-bloggers and rubberneckers. I am...

Ebuzz: Sacking the Quarterback by Tiffany Aaron

Tweet Ten years of playing pro football has gotten Donovan Klasek two bad knees, a bad shoulder and an addiction to pain killers. Now he’s free of the addiction and ready to watch his younger brother play in the Super Bowl. Donovan loves his bar, but part of him...

ag does In the Prince’s Bed

Tweet In the Prince’s Bed review I am reading them backward cuz I am odd like that… well and because I so enjoyed Only a Duke Will Do and now need to go back and read the Never Seduce a Scoundrel. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...