Someone smarter than I am, can you answer this question for me

Do Bookcovers and cover’art’ fall under fair use as far as copyright goes? Or whatever the term is…

I know there are some lawyer like people out there. I am not sure why I assumed this so I could just be pulling it out of my ass. I don’t have time to search it right now but will later.

I wondered because of this. I haven’t read the whole post or the one that set the chick off, nor can I say I read the epublisher. But that is because the books I have bothered to look up were sounded stupid not because the owner sounds like a moron.

Which I am not saying she is, well not until I have time to sit down and read the posts. Of course one would *think* my opinion (or karens) would mean shit in the grand scheme of things.

But hey, it’s my blog and I will say what I want. And if someone could answer the above for me I would love ya. Excuse me I am off to grab covers to snark the shit out of finish cleaning before I go to work and my mom gets here.