I bought this!

It was while the computer was down. And since I only have around 700 books tbr, I needed it. Uh and one other. Hee it will be my reward once my reviews are retyped and sent and my resume retyped and sent.

Share the Darkness by Jill Monroe

summary from Harlequin:

Hannah Garrett has always felt safe in the dark. It meant she never had to show people the truth. On the run from a man who wants to kill her, Hannah’s learned to keep to herself and not get attached….

Until she meets Ward Coleman.

Being around her sexy coworker has awakened a need she’d forgotten — and it’s not just this heat wave that has Hannah hot and bothered. But she can’t afford to get too close, especially when she’s not sure she can trust him.

What she doesn’t know is that Ward is on to her and is determined to learn her secrets. And getting caught in a hot, dark elevator is the best place to find out all this undercover FBI agent needs to know.

OK I read the excerpt I couldn’t help it.

I already did that with a Desire I now want. [can’t find it]

Not having money sucks. I can’t decide if I want to update my want list or if that will just depress me. oh look more whining…