Road Runner is saying I have no Ethernet card when I tried to load the disk.

Now I do have one. And well I am posting… so I am connected to the internet. WITH ROAD RUNNER.


So I can say screw it and not load the cd, which I am not sure why I need to anyway. But thinking about it, I need to call the road runner people anyway because of my outlook.

If you have anything other than my gmail addy, I can’t check it so don’t use it. I really should call and figure out how to reload my silly addies. And I still can’t figure out why I have not USB ports. The computer guy says they are there. They look like they are there. But uh, computer sez no. And I tried to load some driver, which said can’t load until you load whatever, and then whatever said can’t load until you load whateverelse.

So fucking annoying. Mainly I am afraid of calling RR and doing whatever they say to do, then having the internet stop working.

That would not be a good thing.