Madeline Hunter will be having a chat tomorrow, with prizes!

Go chat and click on “Readers Chatroom” on Wednesday, March 15, at 9 pm est, if I don’t make it… someone ask about Rules of Seduction!

Please?!?! Hmmm is that rude, to ask about one book when it is to celebrate the publication of another?

Lady of Sin is a great book, so you should go just to ssssqqqeee over it but if that isn’t enough of a reason…


2 $25 gift cards for Victoria’s Secret
4 $15 gift cards for Borders/Waldens
Shalimar perfume
2 boxes of Sarris chocolates
Mikasa votive candle holder with Yankee Candle votives
Bloomingdale tote bag
10 beaded book “thong” bookmarks, loaded with beads and charms
15 signed books from The Seducer series
5 signed books from my medieval series