P. asked a few great questions yesterday about the guest author day (needs a name):

I’m not sure I get it. Will she be guest blogging on this blog?

Also, are only fawning questions allowed, or can we ask about the inescapable influence of Sherrilyn Kenyon’s books on her own and ask why she didn’t listen to (surely) the ton of people who told her her vampire names were laughable while the story was still in manuscript form? 😀

Since as normal I was posting a book to answer I decided to just make it a new post – answer behind the cut.

Yes the blog in question is this one, on the 6th and the blog at the bottom of the post on the 7th. For anyone who doesn’t know where they are ;), the chart has an arrow pointed that You. Are. Here.

I am a great fan of Fawning. We should do more of it. Of course I am referring to when I am blogging :).

No really… I think all authors love to know if their books work for someone or if they love their characters. So of course that is cool.

As this is the first time I will have a guest blogger here, yes there are a few maybes in the works, I am playing a lot by ear. But in my mind, scary place it is, I am looking at it as that day this blog belongs to X author. So where they will post about their book or book(s), take questions, maybe do a contest, talk about writing, whatever authors do on their websites and blogs. There will also be (hopefully) reader blog type post(s) (what is their fave book, who is their must buy book of the year, who they are reading, tbr stacks, how they keep their books, and/or what they would like to see more of – you know what I post just prolly with less whining and cussing).

If someone wants to tell Ward they loved the book they can, if they want to tell her they loved the book but why the fuck you do this? They can, they might not like ‘why’ she did whatever but time allowing they will prolly get an answer.

Any questions not answered that day I will follow up with an email to ward and try and post a follow up.

From what I have read and heard from Ward, she is pretty cool. And doesn’t expect everyone to like the series, all the books or some things that do or don’t happen.

So we will play it as it goes but as long as it isn’t abusive and bashing the author or other authors (right now anonymous posts are open) I lean toward leaving the post.

If someone wants to post ‘This book sux’ anon and leave. I don’t see how Ward can respond to that and if they want to post ‘I read it and this and this really made it to where I couldn’t enjoy the book.’ She may have a response for that. It will be her blog for the day, so ‘if’ she asks me to remove something – I would.

My point with any of the authors I have thought of inviting to ‘guest’ have to do with:
They are on my wish list of books.
I prolly talk about them a lot.
They may not have a blog of their own.
This gives them a chance to see what all the fuss is about, and for us to grill ’em lol.
Someone might find a new author to read, hug, love, squeeze and call george. (le sigh they really should make more bugs bunny shows for tv)

Anyway… that is more than you asked but uh well I like to ramble 😉

If you want to ask her about Kenyon, the names, or heck if she thinks gambit is cute – why not. Others have (well not about gambit), in fact angie did and here was the answer:

The names have had a polarizing effect that I couldn’t possibly have predicted. Some people love them. Some people aren’t into them. Here’s the story behind the names: they are traditional warrior names in the Old Language (thus the slightly off spellings). Over time, and in the English language, the names became associated with adverse or aggressive emotions. This paradigm was one I spelled out in my proposal to sell the series. It’s the names that came to me with the rest of the brothers’s characteristics like their hair and eye colors, their bodies, their minds, their emotional make-ups, their histories.

click the answer for the rest of the interview…
So we shall see how it goes, hell we might hear crickets, we might get 500 comments of omg u r so great or maybe we might get some nifty questions and answers. It all depends on what people comment.

HINT HINT… take note of the commenting part…. 😉