I had no clue there were so many!

Do you visit author blogs?
Who is your can’t be missed?
Link me baby!

As a rule I really don’t visit many author blogs, mainly because of time. I had a handful listed on my sidebar but as more and more (and hopefully more) readers get blogs, the list is getting huge.

So I decided to do three groups: Author Blogs, Reader Blogs and Group Blogs. Then link at the side bar. If that would work ;). And looks like it did, lil more of a pain than just looking and clicking but easier than going through my faves. I really need to sign up for blogline or that other thing.

{long ass history or why there are so few… aka it would say read here if I had time to figure out why I can’t get angiew’s nifty cut thingy to work}
Yesterday I spent around two, sadly maybe even three hours, doing the author blog hop. I had no clue there were so many. And then after I had over 50 listed, as I was only listing authors I read, want to read or looked interesting to read one day when I can buy books again, internet explorer shut the fuck down.

Now I try to be good and save a draft every once in a while. That way when my computer, I love because it does still work and I can’t afford a new one, shuts down, blue screens or IE fucks up – I can find something of what I was doing. Sure you know where this is going… didn’t do that yesterday.

So after cussing lots and lots I put back a few so I could test to see if it would even work as I wanted since I am seriously computer and blog stupid. Before I get sucked back into the author blog searching, since omg it is the end of the month and I must get these reviews out to AAR and the others up (even though that whole grammar thing has made me not want to – and no, nothing to do with the grand person who emailed me). And there is this huge time suck of real life shit I must deal with coupled with some other rl shit I don’t want to do because it is going to depress me and I am in a good mood right now (or this could just be panic).

I figured I would just ask for rec’s ;).