New books over the last few weeks…

Tweet Since I am putting away the books I am not currently reading and reviewing… to take away temptation to read whatever it is I am not suppose to be reading 🙂 Here is a list: In the Thrill of the Night by Candice Hern (my first CH) Going All Out by Jeanie...

a rose by another other name…

Tweet for right now I am showing up as redwyne no need to change, if you have me linked by my name I am just getting tired of people hitting this blog because of searching it WHICH I know has to do with the book by the same name, the remake of the movie which is...

A picture is worth a thousand words

Tweet but do you like them on blogs? quick poll? Yes do put pictures on your blog. No do not put pictures on your blog. I am taking from the ever wonderful BAM and going to do an up next post for reviews. Which will start again next week… everyone say yay!!! But...

Those who dance….

Tweet Those who dance are considered insane by those who cannot hear the music. Bill Maher Just a warning… I plan on finishing up quite a few blogs and reviews. So I will prolly be posting lots and lots. Share this:Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new...