Yikes this was bad. I mean way bad. I am not sure if I was just in a mood or if I really needed to read The Duke’s Mistress in order to enjoy this or the book was just bad.
The writing was choppy and the dialogue felt forced. There was no flow to it. And honestly, when I read a Harlequin Historical, I am not expecting a deep meaning full story in 200something pages. Now don’t get me wrong, there are some kick ass HH out there that can hold their own up against any book. There are some ok ones that are enjoyable and some eh that was fun but forgettable, and then you have the bad bad bad.
I don’t know if I have read one this bad lately. The Viscount’s Bride by Ann Elizabeth Cree
Lady Chloe had nowhere to turn; either she followed her guardian’s dictates and married a wholly detestable suitor or she settled for the comfortable love of a sensible man. Faced with a bleak future on either front, Chloe settled for Mr. Safe and Sensible.
It wasn’t until her so-called “safe” choice tried to compromise her reputation that Brandt, Lord Salcombe, rushed in to save her. But how dare Brandt now insist that the next time she wanted a kiss she come to him! Chloe had no illusions about the viscount being ideal husband material. Still, his offer was tempting and certainly promised a future filled with passion!
Lady Chloe doesn’t learn from her mistakes and keeps making them over and over. And I am sorry, if you fuck someone – you know it the next day. There was no condom involved people, so yes you can tell. And don’t throw wet dreams at me, cuz if a woman is there, you can tell.
I don’t get why she doesn’t say anything! The whole big mis just made me roll my eyes, although I do give the author points for not having the hero think the heroine is lying. So at least we were spared the who’s your baby’s daddy drama.
And I don’t understand why they don’t just marry, for real. I never really believed in the conflict.
I will pick up The Dukes Mistress. I want to see if I have hit on an author’s who’s voice I just don’t get or if it was just a one time bad book. And I am passing along the book, so I am very interested to see if the next person loves it.
if you fuck someone – you know it the next day.
LOL! *falls off chair, continues laughing*