I am trading two books I have had forever and ever, well over a year but never read. So of course when I pulled them off the shelf I read them ;).

Desperado by Sandra Hill
I didn’t realize this was a time travel book. Guess what, it is! What I thought was sort of nifty is both the h/h go back in time together. It isn’t a bad book, it was amusing in parts and hawt in others but really silly in a Sandra Hill way.

Which hey it is a SH book so, good show. I am not much for har har funny kind of books and really haven’t found a Sandra Hill book I heart. So hopefully the next owner will love it so.

A Promise of Love by Karen Ranney is the other book I read and it was really good. It is only the second book by KR I have read, I have another 3 or so tbr. She does know how to pull on the heart strings and man can she put her hero and heroine’s through some tough shit.

But she does it well and makes you care about the characters. If you run across a copy, it is worth the read.

Now I am gonna see if I can get interested in The Challenge by Susan Kearney before it goes bye bye.