Review: Spin the Bottle by Elizabeth Scott

Tweet Limecello’s review of Spin the Bottle by Elizabeth Scott Erotic romance anthology released by NAL on 2 Oct 07 I read Elizabeth Scott’s (a.k.a. Janice Maynard’s) first book Naughty Housewives, and knew I wanted to read this book as well. This...
We’re calling the baby “Batman”

We’re calling the baby “Batman”

Tweet Sybil told me I could rant away and I’m going to run with that. I just saw The Dark Knight and my inner fangirl needs to run free. This is going to go in sections. First is a love letter to the Joker in general focusing on elements that the new movie...
Hang in there Sybil…

Hang in there Sybil…

Tweet Our fearless leader, Sybil, has been a little under the weather for the last week or so. Bear with us while we nurse her thru this and while everyone gets the summer vacation biz out of the way. We’ll be back to entertaining you with fun and frivolity...