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Subtle Destiny Beth KerySandy M’s review of Subtle Destiny (Subtle Lovers, Book 4) by Beth Kery
Contemporary Paranormal Romance published by Ellora’s Cave 14 May 08

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! A thoroughly satisfied feeling after reading the latest Beth Kery book. Even though this is the fourth book in the Subtle Lovers series, I didn’t feel lost not having read the previous books, the writing is, as always, engrossing, and the characters are larger than life. Exactly what I’ve come to expect from Ms. Kery.

Skylar Ammadon is guilt ridden since the death of her husband two years before. She seeks punishment for her guilt mostly to keep herself sane and alive to take care of her half-Watcher son, Nix. When the new owner of the company where her punishment is meted out arrives to service her, she’s inexplicably drawn to him. She continues to deny the one man who is truly her mate, even when she discovers his duplicity regarding her punishment. Skylar is a strong woman, her power is predicting the future and healing, and she refuses to give in to the desires she feels for her husband’s brother, even though that refusal is slowly killing her. She’s not practiced her gifts for two years, but her world is about to change and she’ll be forced to face her fears and protect those she loves with everything in her.

Living in hell for eons without his mate has made Jax Ammadon one of the strongest Watchers ever, thus his upcoming coronation as king when his older brother steps down. His decision to force Skylar to acknowledge him as her mate will either break them both or doom them forever, but he cannot go on without her any longer. Trying to locate the danger to the Ammadons Skylar has predicted keeps her near him, but he desires more from her. He needs more from her. Jax at times comes off as too domineering, but when he professes his love for Skylar, when he shows her how profound his love is, that’s when you see his desperation, his willingness to do anything to make Skylar accept him as her mate.

So much happens in this book and at times scenes are so deep in talking about the astral plane, subtle bodies, and truest forms that I think you do need to read the other books first just to be more comfortable with exactly what’s happening. I understood most of it, but I know there’s some nuances that flew right by me here and there. That never, however, took away from the romance, the desire, the need these two characters have for one another. Ms. Kery has created a paranormal world with so many levels that is very intriguing to read. As usual, her characters draw you into their lives very quickly, causing you to share every emotion that whisps through them.

I’ve had ups and downs with Ms. Kery’s books, but there’s more superior than there is mediocre and she keeps surprising me and intriguing me time and again.

SandyMGrade: B+


Grief and guilt-ridden Skylar Ammadon sometimes wonders if she has the strength to go on living. Her life mate Duse has been murdered for over two years and she still finds each day an unbearable trial. She lives and functions in the physical world only, denying her supernatural gifts or any subtle realities, existing only to ensure her precious son’s health and happiness and living far, far away from the shattering memories of Dunleavy Castle.

But as much as she tries to forget, as much as she strives to deny, as much as she tries to punish herself, her immense desire for one man will not be purged from her mind or body.

Jax Ammadon’s suffering has made him stronger than any Watcher alive. For hundreds of years he’s burned alive for the one woman that fate has designated could never be his. He watches helplessly as Skylar’s denial of the truth of what they are to one another slowly kills her. Her grieving period must come to an end.

It’s time for the new king of the Watchers to claim what’s his.

Read an excerpt.

Other books in this series:

Subtle Magic
Subtle Touch Subtle Release