Our OMG-We-LUVS-her Story Cupid, Sabrina Jeffries has picked the winners from our soon to be best seller Valenduckie Round Robin story and title contests.
Actually, she picked the winners DAYS ago, but never let it be said that the duckies are party poopers. Nope, we believe in dragging out keeping the party going for as looooong as possible.
And the winners are…
WOOT! Congrats! And thank you for being a part of our Party in the Pond!
Pocket will be sending each of you a copy of Sabrina Jeffries latest release, Let Sleeping Rogues Lie. WOO-HOO!
Please email your contact info to Sybil, who will forward it to Sabrina. PLEASEPLEASE put “Sabrina Jeffries Valenduckie Contest” in the subject line.
Yay!!!! Go, katiebabs! Go, Lisabea!!! Congrats, Maya and Sharmi!
Big congrats to the winners!!!!!!!!
it’s an honor just to be nominated among all these talented people! i’d like to thank my preschool teacher, and my hairdresser’s cousin, and…
Bev failed copy and pasting since she neglected to remove the ‘your selection’. LOL you have a choice of Let Sleeping Rogues Lie, Let Sleeping Rogues Lie, Let Sleeping Rogues Lie or Let Sleeping Rogues Lie.
Hello, my name is Bev and I am WordPress challenged.
And while I’m ‘fessin’ up, I might as well admit that twas I that blew the site up yesterday morning.
*hangs head in shame*
Congrats winners! Well done. 🙂
WOW!! People get my humor! This totally rocks. 🙂
Did we ever get a nickname for Fab’s purple friend?
I’d like to thank the academy for recognizing greatness when it thwacks them on teh head. heh.
WOOT! Yay!!!! Thanks!!!
No name as yet for Fab’s purple friend, but I’m sure we could come up with any variety of ones.
Thanks to everyone for playing! It was great fun.
Congrats to all the winners.
WOWEE! Congrats to all the winners of the awesome book by Sabrina Jeffries!