Tweet Just so you know, I’m writing this as a reader and a writer. Both halves, stuck together to make a whole. Not that that happens very often. It’s hard to keep the two parts separate when you read so much, hard to not let what you read bleed into what you write. I...

Taking a chance

Tweet This year I changed my mind about one thing. I’d always thought it was necessary for a beginning writer to be conventional, to go with what works, and leave the book of their heart for another time. Now I’m not so sure. And it’s a couple of my books that have...
A writer’s life told in blurbs and edits

A writer’s life told in blurbs and edits

Tweet by Lynne Connolly Last week my editors got busy. I can’t say I’m sorry, because it’s one step nearer publication, but still, editing isn’t my most favorite job of all. I got: The Chemistry of Evil from Loose-Id, second edit Yorkshire from...