REVIEW: With Every Breath by Maya Banks

Tweet Sandy M’s review of With Every Breath (Slow Burn, Book 4) by Maya Banks Romantic Suspense published by Avon 23 Aug 16 I’ve been lamenting this new Maya Banks who appeared out of nowhere a year or so ago, one who confuses me to no end. The Maya Banks...

Sandy M’s Best of 2008

Tweet I liked C2’s idea of a Best of 2008 list.  Then Liv got into the action, so thought I’d give it a try too.  (Of course, mine are the best of the bunch.)  I was never one to keep track of my reads, and 2008 was the first time I’ve done that;...

C-Squared’s Best of 2008

Tweet Are you tired of reading 2008 wrap-up lists yet?? Too bad! Read on, suckers gentle readers. My top 10 books I read in 2008 (in no particular order):  Heart Fate (Celta’s HeartMates, Book 7) by Robin D. Owens Fantasy romance released by Berkley Trade Sep...

REVIEW: With Every Breath by Lynn Kurland

Tweet Sandy M’s review of With Every Breath (The MacLeods, Book 11) by Lynn Kurland Historical Time Travel Romance released by Jove 27 May 08 Once I pick up a time travel, the bug hits me all over again and I want another as quickly as I can put my hands on...