by Wendy | Oct 6, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Wendy the Super Librarian‘s review of The Magic of Christmas by Carolyn Davidson, Victoria Bylin & Cheryl St.John Historical romance anthology released by Harlequin Historical 1 Oct 08 Sometimes I think Harlequin delights in separating me from my...
by Wendy | Jun 28, 2008 | Guests and Events, Quacking About |
Tweet We have a bit of a tease for you today as part of our on-going Harlequin Historical extravaganza! An anthology I am already hotly anticipating, The Magic Of Christmas by Carolyn Davidson, Victoria Bylin and Cheryl St. John is due to hit stores in October 2008....
by Sybil | Jun 23, 2008 | Excerpt, News, Quacking About |
Tweet The Magic of Christmas (Anthology) by Carolyn Davidson, Victoria Bylin, and Cheryl St.John, coming October 2008. It is shaping up to be a not fun day… I know excuses excuses… here is something to read while you wait *g* The excerpt was first posted...
by Sybil | Jun 21, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet TGTBTU has the pleasure of presenting (three or four) up coming Harlequin Historical anthologies for you to add to your ‘I WANT’ list: Hallowe’en Husbands: “Marriage At Morrow Creek,” “Wedding At Warehaven,”...
by Sybil | May 10, 2008 | Excerpt, News, Quacking About |
Tweet The Magic of Christmas (Anthology) by Carolyn Davidson, Victoria Bylin, and Cheryl St.John, coming October 2008. WOW look Carolyn Davidson is going to be in a HH! Woot! For those of you non Harlequin Historical readers (what is wrong with you people?!) she has...