REVIEW: Stranger by Zoe Archer

Tweet Ash’s review of Stranger (Blades of the Rose, Book 4) by Zoe Archer Paranormal Romance published by Zebra 07 Dec 10 In the last book, Rebel, I got a bit tired of reading the same thing over and over. Thankfully, that’s not the case with Stranger. Zoe...

REVIEW: Rebel by Zoe Archer

Tweet Ash’s review of Rebel (Blades of the Rose, Book 3) by Zoe Archer Paranormal Romance published by Zebra 01 Nov 10 Another adventure following the Blades of the Rose as they try to save the world, but sadly I’m a bit mixed on this book. My biggest...

DUCK FLASH: A Zoe Archer Autumn

Tweet This just in… Zoe Archer has been hard at work on a new series that is going to just make your autumn next year. ~ The Blades of the Rose is the title of her new series, and four books will be released in four months for your reading pleasure. ~ This is an...