Nothing’s Better Than More!

Nothing’s Better Than More!

Tweet You may or may not know this but I often do not know how to leave well enough alone. U R Shocked… yes? I started on livejournal, created a blog on blogspot, the ever awesome (and missed) maili changed my template – two or three times, followed by the...
Who R U?

Who R U?

Tweet Welcome to the Pond We got fun and games, we got everything you want, honey now tell us your name uh well not really but close 😉   I have made each reviewer do an intro and in true do as I say not as I do sybil fashion have never done one myself. So I was...

ARC this…

Tweet Nifty blog the awesome meljean posted about yesterday great post for authors to read and might interest some readers: pimpin your book economics of galley Or why you really don’t need or want that many ARCs or you want your ARCs to be cheaply made and fall...