by limecello | Feb 5, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Limecello’s review of Seven-Year Seduction by Heidi Betts Contemporary romance released by Silhouette Desire on 14 Feb 06 So, we all know you can get Harlequin books early from their website – but what a perfect release date, right? I have to admit...
by Devon | Jan 30, 2009 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet As mentioned in the January 2009 Scoop column, the website celebrating Harlequin’s 60th birthday went live yesterday! And to celebrate, Harlequin is offering sixteen titles for free! Books can be downloaded in pdf, epub, lit or ereader. And though it...
by limecello | Jan 23, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Limecello’s review of Pregnancy Proposal (Saxon Brides, Book 3) by Tessa Radley Contemporary romance published by Silhouette Desire on 9 Dec 08 This is the third and final installment to Tessa Radley’s trilogy The Saxon Brides. I enjoyed all three...
by Devon | Jan 15, 2009 | News, Quacking About, Romanceland |
Tweet 2009 looks to be a good one for Harlequin (and for Harlequin readers). Lots of interesting upcoming releases, and free goodies too! We begin with a 60th Anniversary Update: Rich, powerful heroes… Scandalous family sagas… Powerful and provocative storylines…...
by limecello | Jan 8, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Limecello’s review of The Tycoon’s Pregnant Mistress by Maya Banks Contemporary romance released by Silhouette Desire on 13 Jan 09 I really like books in the Silhouette Desire Line. I also have a positive association with Maya Banks (even before I...