REVIEW: Final Protocol by J. C. Daniels

Tweet Stevie‘s review of Final Protocol by J. C. Daniels Science Fiction Romance published by Samhain Publishing, Ltd. 07 Jul 15 The reluctant assassin (almost invariably female) who turns on the bad guy that trained her is a common enough trope, particularly in...

REVIEW: Thrill-Kinky by Teresa Noelle Roberts

Tweet Stevie‘s review of Thrill-Kinky (Chronicles of the Malcolm, Book 1) by Teresa Noelle Roberts Science Fiction Romance published by Samhain Publishing, Ltd. 12 May 15 I love a good bit of space opera, particularly one where it’s not always easy to tell...

REVIEW: Coral-600 by Roxy Mews

Tweet Stevie‘s review of Coral-600 (The DMA Files, Book 1) by Roxy Mews Science Fiction Romance published by Samhain 24 Feb 15 I firmly believe that lots of well-used tropes could be freshened by the addition of robots (at least as many as could be improved by...

REVIEW: The Here and Now by Ann Brashares

Tweet Stevie‘s review of The Here and Now by Ann Brashares Young Adult Science Fiction Romance published by Delacorte Press 08 Apr 14 Time-travel stories can be difficult to get right, but Ann Brashares seems to have managed it in this case. I had a minor...