REVIEW: Dating the Undead by Juliet Lyons

Tweet Sammy’s review of Dating the Undead (Undead Dating Service, Book 1)  by Juliet Lyons Paranormal Romance published by Sourcebooks Casablanca 02 May 17 I have been on a Vampire book binge lately. This book looked promising and I have never read this author....

REVIEW: Midnight Unbound by Lara Adrian

Tweet Sammy’s review of Midnight Unbound (Midnight Breed, Book 14.6) by Lara Adrian Paranormal Romance published by  Lara Adrian, LLC  11 Mar 17 After reading The Chosen by J.R. Ward, I was kind of on a vampire kick. It’s been a while since I read The...

REVIEW: The Chosen by J.R. Ward

Tweet Sammy’s review of The Chosen (Black Dagger Brotherhood Book 15) by J.R. Ward Paranormal Romance published by Ballantine Books  04 Apr 17 I have a love/hate relationship with the Black Dagger Brotherhood. I loved some, like: Dark Lover, Lover Eternal, Lover...

REVIEW: Wild & Sweet by Rhenna Morgan

Tweet Sammy’s review of Wild & Sweet (Haven Brotherhood Book 2) by Rhenna Morgan Contemporary Romance published by Carina Press 10 Apr 17 In Book 2 of this phenomenal series, Rhenna Morgan does not disappoint. Her characters are so multi-layered: flawed,...

REVIEW: King’s Captive by Amber Bardan

Tweet Sammy’s review of King’s Captive by Amber Bardan Contemporary Romance published by Carina Press 13 Feb 17 I made a vow at the end of 2016 to read more *new to me* authors. This has worked out for me as a reader who has been suffering from book...