RETRO REVIEW: SEALed with a Kiss by Jill Monroe

Tweet Sammy’s review of SEALed with a Kiss by Jill Monroe Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Blaze 01 Jan 11 I just came off a reading high. While I love when I read a book that stays with me, it does some serious damage to my reading mojo. I have been...

REVIEW: Four Letter Word by J. Daniels

Tweet Sammy’s review of Four Letter Word (Dirty Deeds, Book 1) by J. Daniels Contemporary Romance published by Forever 04 Oct 16 I was intrigued by the title of this book. Not only intrigued, but also a new to me author. Add in a fantastic blurb, and I was all...

REVIEW: Troublemaker by Linda Howard

Tweet Sammy’s review of Troublemaker by Linda Howard Contemporary Romantic Suspense published by William Morrow 10 May 16 I am a big Linda Howard reader. Granted, it’s been a few years since I read one, doesn’t mean I don’t buy them and add...