by limecello | Jun 22, 2010 | Ponderings |
Tweet AKA What will make me wildly unpopular. Or, even less than wherever I am now? Whatever. This is a culmination of a number of thoughts and posts and conversations. In part, it’s why I’ve been quiet lately. Who am I kidding. For the past year....
by limecello | Jan 15, 2010 | Guests and Events, Ponderings, Romanceland |
Tweet So, the title may be misleading… but this is a contest post. It’s also a rant, because… well what’s an entry from your good friend Limecello without some ranting, right? 😛 Anyway. I basically stopped visiting blogs. I used to visit nearly...
by limecello | Apr 17, 2009 | Ponderings |
Tweet Dear Authors, This is a friendly letter in regards to your websites. Have excerpts for your books. ALL of them, dammit. Yes – enough readers may want that super old one republished, and it might happen. If they know about it. If you revamp your site,...