PONDERING: Gaming Kills

Tweet I’ve been around the Internet since it was a baby. The first network I belonged to was when I was a student at Manchester Business School. Our computers were linked up to the North West Computer unit. Companies sent their payrolling there to be processed,...

EXCERPT: In The Mood by Lynne Connolly

Tweet Our Lynne Connolly is sharing an excerpt from her latest release from Ellora’s Cave, In the Mood, so sit back, relax, and have some fun! Summary: The sound of a saxophone drifting from a Chicago blues club sends Matt inside, hoping to sign the player for...

PONDERING: Can Rock Stars Be Romance Heroes?

Tweet I love writing about rock stars. Music means a lot to me and I’ve seen many of them, been close to people in the music business from time to time. So they’re naturals for me to write about. Years ago I wrote a story about a rock star and the woman he got...