Review: Cat’s Eyes by Lynne Connolly

Tweet Shannon C.’s review of Cat’s Eyes by Lynne Connolly Paranormal erotic romance eBook published by Loose-ID Oct 2007 One of the perks to being a reviewer on a site like this, as opposed to my own piddly little blog, is that I get exposed to new-to-me...

Review: The Devil’s Daughter by Laura Drewry

Tweet Shannon C.‘s review of The Devil’s Daughter by Laura Drewry Historical paranormal romance released by Leisure 8 Apr 08 I have to share a funny story about this book. I started reading it this weekend while I was visiting my very conservative Catholic...

Review: Only You by Laura Glenn

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Only You by Laura Glenn Historical paranormal romance ebook released by Cerridwen Press 28 Feb 08 It was very difficult for me to get into this book. The time travel part of it is pretty good, the way the heroine is thrown back into...