REVIEW: One Foot in the Grave by Jeaniene Frost

Tweet Devon’s Review of One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress, Book 2) by Jeaniene Frost Paranormal Romance released by Avon 29 Apr 08 I really enjoyed the first book in the Night Huntress series, Halfway to the Grave, so I was keen to get my mitts on this one....

Review: Lover Enshrined by J.R. Ward

Tweet LauraD’s review of Lover Enshrined (Black Dagger Brotherhood, Book 6) by J.R. Ward Paranormal romance released by Signet 3 Jun 08 Full disclosure: I am a J.R. Ward fanghirl. I have smoked the crack, I have consumed the KoolAid. However, I think I’m...

REVIEW: Walk on the Wild Side by Christine Warren

Tweet Devon’s review of Walk on the Wild Side by Christine Warren Paranormal Romance released by St. Martin’s 3 Jun 08 Christine Warren has become an auto-buy for me. I know when I read one of her books I will get an entertaining story anchored by a solid...

Review: Wild & Hexy by Vicki Lewis Thompson

Tweet LauraJ’s review of Wild & Hexy by Vicki Lewis Thompson. Contemporary Paranormal Romance released by Onyx on 3 Jun 08 After reading Over Hexed, I have been anxiously awaiting this sequel. I mean I was actually stalking Border’s waiting for this...

REVIEW: Fallen by Erin McCarthy

Tweet Devon’s Review of Fallen (7 Deadly Sins, Book 2) by Erin McCarthy Paranormal Romance released by Jove 29 Apr 08 Fallen is the second book in Erin McCarthy’s darker paranormal series. It has a gorgeous cover, an intriguing premise revolving around...