REVIEW: Mistress At What Price? by Anne Oliver

Tweet Lynne Connolly’s review of Mistress at What Price? by Anne Oliver Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin 13 Jul 10 I said in a previous review that I wouldn’t be reading Harlequin Presents if I didn’t tolerate the tropes that come up. This book proves...

REVIEW: Mia and the Powerful Greek by Michelle Reid

Tweet LynneC‘s review of Mia and the Powerful Greek by Michelle Reid Category novel released by Mills and Boon Modern/Harlequin Presents July 10 Like many prolific Harlequin writers, Michelle Reid is sometimes great, and sometimes not so great. For me, this was...

REVIEW: Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride by Kim Lawrence

Tweet Lynne Connolly‘s review of Desert Prince, Blackmailed Bride by Kim Lawrence Contemporary romance released by Harlequin Presents 1 Nov 09 Another daft title, but a bit more accurate than some I’ve read recently, where the title seems to have been drawn out...