REVIEW: Bound by the Italian’s Contract by Janette Kenny

Tweet LynneC’s review of Bound by the Italian’s Contract by Janette Kenny Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Presents 1 Jul 14 I’ve been a grumpy reviewer recently, and now I’m desperately hunting for a great book I can enthuse about. This, sadly, isn’t...

PONDERING: Authors – I Am Not Your Beta Reader

Tweet The writing world is in a state of flux right now, with vociferous advocates in all corners. At the moment all the talk is about Hachette v Amazon. Tomorrow it might be another publisher. Things are changing, that’s for sure. As a writer, I’m lucky because I’m...

REVIEW: Scandalize Me by Caitlin Crews

Tweet LynneC’s review of Scandalize Me (Fifth Avenue Trilogy, Book 2) by Caitlin Crews Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Presents 1 Jul 14 When I first saw the covers for this trilogy, I wondered if Harlequin was yet again bringing a new look to its flagship...

REVIEW: The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire by Marian Tee

Tweet LynneC’s review of The Art of Trusting a Greek Billionaire by Marian Tee Contemporary Romance published by Jaded Speck Publishing, December 2013 I’m currently going through the 99 cent and free books I grabbed greedily when they first started coming out. With...

REVIEW: The Playboy’s Lesson by Melanie Milburne

Tweet LynneC’s review of The Playboy’s Lesson by Melanie Milburne Contemporary Romance published by Harlequin Presents May 2014 Melanie Milburne is a great author, but this isn’t one of her best books. The unconvincing characters and the anemic plot...