Wednesday at Romantic Times

Tweet So the first full day of the conference is underway! I attended the Samhain spotlight this morning, which featured one of my books in all its glory (Yorkshire) and then the private Ellora’s Cave brunch, which went well. We had a talk about foreign rights...
Romantic Times is open for business

Romantic Times is open for business

Tweet So this afternoon I registered and found my room. It’s fine, but it would have been nice to have a fridge.  Today blew my mind and it had nothing to do with Romantic Times. Earlier in my stay I met the wonderful John Zweifel, who did the White House in...
Read an Ebook Week

Read an Ebook Week

Tweet Disclaimer- I write for what are generally considered the “top three” epublishers – Ellora’s Cave, Loose-Id and Samhain Publishing. Having said that, on with the motley! This is a quick whizz around the current state of the ebook world...