by C2 | Mar 19, 2011 | Review |
Tweet C2’s review of With Abandon (With or Without Series, Book 4) by J.L. Langley Paranormal Romance published by Samhain Publishing, 22 Mar 11 Matt Mahihkan has never lived anywhere except the Southwest, so when he gets a scholarship to a college in Georgia, he has...
by C2 | Jan 8, 2009 | Review |
Tweet Are you tired of reading 2008 wrap-up lists yet?? Too bad! Read on, suckers gentle readers. My top 10 books I read in 2008 (in no particular order): Heart Fate (Celta’s HeartMates, Book 7) by Robin D. Owens Fantasy romance released by Berkley Trade Sep...
by C2 | Nov 8, 2008 | Review |
Tweet C2‘s review of The Englor Affair (Sci-Regency Series, Book 2) by J.L. Langley Gay Erotic Sci-Fi Romance eBook released by Samhain Publishing 11 Nov 08 (print release Fall 2009) The Englor Affair picks up just after the end of My Fair Captain, J.L....