by Sybil | Jul 21, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Caroline Linden‘s review of Hidden by Eve Kenin Science fiction romance released by Shomi 1 Jul 08 Sometimes you come across a book that’s just impossible to accurately describe. Like Eve Kenin’s HIDDEN: “It’s a book set in a...
by ShannonC | Jul 8, 2008 | Review |
Tweet Shannon C.’s review of Hidden by Eve Kenin Science fiction romance released by Shomi 1 Jul 08 Eve Kenin’s Driven introduced us to a post-apocalyptic future in a bleak northern climate where truckers were kings of the road. In Hidden, Ms Kenin returns...
by Sybil | Apr 11, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Hidden by Eve Kenin, new from Shomi out in **July 2008** Tatiana has honed her genetic gifts to perfection. She can withstand the subzero temperatures of the Northern Waste, read somebody’s mind with the briefest touch, and slice through bone with her bare...