DUCK FLASH: Free Again!

Tweet This just in… Avon has three terrific historicals on their site that you can read right now at no charge whatsoever!!! ~ Lorraine Heath’s In Bed with the Devil, Sarah Gabriel’s Keeping Kate, and Margo Maguire’s The Bride Hunt are 100%...

DUCK FLASH: It’s Free!

Tweet This just in… HarperCollins is offering free gallies of Lois McMaster Bujold’s The Sharing Knife: Horizon, her latest release in the series, in exchange for a promise to review it so HC can then post it on their blog.  How easy is that? ~ Just send...

DUCK FLASH: Revenge for a Date Gone Wrong…

Tweet This just in… Remember a few of those bad dates way back when? Well, tell the world about ’em and win big if you’re the one chosen with the worst-date-ever story… Rachel Gibson’s heroine, Adele Harris, in her new book Not Another...