Ponderings: What the heck happened?!

Tweet You ever have a really good time one day, then wake up the next morning and feel like a truck hit you? Yeah?  Well, that’s where I was about a year ago.  Had a really great job, making really good money, then, BAM! a truck called “Unemployment”...

REVIEW: The Iron Duke by Meljean Brook

Tweet Gwen’s review of The Iron Duke (A Novel of the Iron Seas) by Meljean Brook Steampunk romance released by Berkley Trade 5 Oct 10 Well, hello there.  Miss me?  That’s correct.  I haven’t fallen off the face of the planet, and, contrary to popular...

REVIEW: The Lost by J.D. Robb and others

Tweet Gwen’s review of The Lost by J.D. Robb, Patricia Gaffney, Mary Blayney, and Ruth Ryan Langan Anthology released by Jove 24 Nov 09 This anthology came to me by way of Sybil and her bottomless bag o’  books.  It’s an interesting mix of all sorts...

REVIEW: Pride Mates by Jennifer Ashley

Tweet Gwen’s review of Pride Mates (Shifters Unbound, Book 1) by Jennifer Ashley Paranormal romance released by Dorchester/ Leisure 26 Jan 10 This is the first of  a new paranormal romance series from the ever-busy Jennifer Ashley. We are given a new world where...

REVIEW: Flirt by Laurell K. Hamilton

Tweet Gwen’s review of Flirt (Anita Blake Vampire Hunter, Book 18) by Laurell K. Hamilton Urban fantasy hardcover released by Berkley 2 Feb 10 Fans of Hamilton’s Anita Blake novels will love this short side entry.  This is a novel-length short story in the...