Review: Skin by Bernadette Gardner

Tweet Teddypig’s review of Skin by Bernadette Gardner Paranormal erotic romance ebook released by Ellora’s Cave 25 Jan 08 First off, I would like to say GOOD JOB! to Les Byerley for the most excellent cover of this eBook. Les is more! (so to speak) It has...

REVIEW: Beg Me by Lisa Lawrence

Tweet Finn’s review of Beg Me (Teresa Knight, Book 2) by Lisa Lawrence Erotica released 29 May 07 by Delta Beg Me is the second book of the adventures of Teresa Knight, a female private detective with a thing for kink. This book takes you from Bangkok, to New...

Review: Bound in Moonlight by Louisa Burton

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Bound in Moonlight (Hidden Grotto Book 2) by Louisa Burton Erotica novel published 26 Dec 2007 by Bantam Books I wasn’t sure what to make of this book when I first started it. The back cover blurb didn’t quite make it clear...

Review: Next Floor Naughty by Ann Cory

Tweet Gwen’s review of Next Floor Naughty by Ann Cory Erotic romance eBook published 18 Apr 07 by Ellora’s Cave This short novel is about a young woman in a loving but unsatisfying relationship. She decides to explore her darker side at a BDSM party. Her...