REVIEW: Jackie and the Beanstalk by Jacqueline Meadows

Tweet Shannon C.’s review of Jackie and the Beanstalk by Jacqueline Meadows Fantasy erotic romance eBook released by Ellora’s Cave 8 Aug 08 Given that my last experiences with EC books have left me somewhat less than impressed, I’m really glad I can...

REVIEW: Fire Princes’ Bride by Rebecca Airies

Tweet Shannon C.‘s review of Fire Princes’ Bride by Rebecca Airies Fantasy erotic romance released by Ellora’s Cave 25 Jun 08 Fire Princes’ Bride had a blurb that compelled me, and was a bit of an experiment on my part. It’s obviously...

Review: Fiddler on the Woof by Blayne Edwards

Tweet Shannon C.‘s review of Fiddler on the Woof by Blayne Edwards Paranormal erotic romance ebook released by Ellora’s Cave 10 Jun 08 When this book came up for review, my initial reaction was an undignified snort of laughter and an email to Duckie...