by Lawson | Jun 24, 2008 | Excerpt, News, Quacking About |
Tweet This just makes me sqqquueee so much because I don’t think I have ever seen a Texas Revolution setting in anything other than James Michener’s Texas and those wonderful books I had to read for Texas History in college. Yes, I had to take Texas...
by Sybil | Jun 23, 2008 | Excerpt, News, Quacking About |
Tweet The Magic of Christmas (Anthology) by Carolyn Davidson, Victoria Bylin, and Cheryl St.John, coming October 2008. It is shaping up to be a not fun day… I know excuses excuses… here is something to read while you wait *g* The excerpt was first posted...
by Sybil | Jun 18, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet I you missed Wendy’s review of Outlaw Bride by Jenna Kernan yesterday… quick go read it. And then come back and learn about what Jenna is up to now… Jenna Kernan’s next Harlequin Historical is in such an early stage it doesn’t have...
by Sybil | Jun 17, 2008 | News, Quacking About |
Tweet Our guest today is Julia Justiss and she has a very interesting post that will go up at 11am you should make sure you come check out. She has one book and one novella coming out, A Most Unconventional Match is her full length July Harlequin Historical and is a...
by Sybil | Jun 16, 2008 | Excerpt, News, Quacking About |
Tweet Possessed by the Highlander by Terri Brisbin. This Highlander goodness comes to us from Harlequin Historicals 1 August 2008. Read on for a summary and a peek between the covers… Marian Robertson rescued a child and destroyed her reputation. Now, to keep...