Would you like to know more: Jo Goodman

Tweet If His Kiss Is Wicked by Jo Goodman We shall talk more about If His Kiss Is Wicked cuz I lurved it. And I can see many a person holding it to their heart too, as well as many not liking it. In fact I am thinking of doing some ‘discussion’ type posts...

Eve Kenin: Shomi Daze Q&A

Tweet Tell me what to expect from Shomi in three words… Ground-breaking. Riveting. Romance. I see SHOMI books as romance at the cutting edge, romance with unique and previously unexplored elements. I know, I know, that’s more than three words, but how to...

Lover Revealed… the reviews

Tweet In case you haven’t noticed… JR Ward has started to answer some of the questions in her Q&A post…  Wonders of wonders, she is really answering some of them! So go look, unless you hate spoilerish stuff. Then don’t go. ETS: JR Ward is...

Stranger Nights

Tweet [click the question to see answer] First up the easy question, what is your current release? My current release is ASK FOR IT, a Brava historical. There are a lot of reasons why it means a lot to me, not the least of which is that it’s the first book I...