PONDERING: When is a Trope not a Trope?

Tweet It’s been a puzzle for a while – when does a trope turn into one person’s intellectual property? A judgment in Texas has recently come closer to the answer. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, a “trope” is something that is common to many...

HelenKay Dimon Winner!

Tweet HelenKay Dimon has a trio of sexy brothers you’re just going to love, and she shared a little about them in her Duck Chat with us – plus a lot of other fun stuff! – not too long ago. I think I’m going to be a Callan fan. How about you??...

DUCK FLASH: What a Deal!!!

Tweet This just in… Avon is having a huge sale on Jocelyn Drake‘s Dark Days series, just in time for y’all to catch up before the release of the latest book in the series, Dead Man’s Deal, due out May 7. ~ Each ebook is $.99. ~ Kindle, Nook,...

Anna Jeffrey Winner!

Tweet Thanks to Anna Jeffrey for a fun day here at the Pond learning about her new series, Sons of Texas. I mean, who can resist a sexy cowboy! And now for our winners. Each will receive a copy of The Tycoon, their choice of format, e or print. #3 – Kimh #1...

REVIEW: Fever by Maya Banks

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Fever (Breathless Trilogy, Book 2) by Maya Banks Contemporary Erotic Romance published by Berkley Trade 2 Apr 13 Fever is the perfect word for the title of this book. From the beginning, when Jace spies Bethany at his sister’s...