REVIEW: The Lost by J.D. Robb and others

Tweet Gwen’s review of The Lost by J.D. Robb, Patricia Gaffney, Mary Blayney, and Ruth Ryan Langan Anthology released by Jove 24 Nov 09 This anthology came to me by way of Sybil and her bottomless bag o’  books.  It’s an interesting mix of all sorts...

REVIEW: Cowboy Christmas by Finch, Lane and Crooks

Tweet Wendy the Super Librarian‘s review of Cowboy Christmas by Carol Finch, Elizabeth Lane & Pam Crooks Historical romance anthology released by Harlequin Historical 01 Oct 09 Holiday time means two things.  1) Harlequin starts churning out the...

REVIEW: Tails of Love by 10 authors

Tweet Limecello’s review of Tails of Love by Lori Foster, Stella Cameron, Kate Angell, Dianne Castell, Ann Christopher, Marcia James, Donna MacMeans, Sarah McCarty, Patricia Sargeant, and Sue-Ellen Welfonder Special romantic fiction anthology released by Berkley...