REVIEW: Hot To Touch by Kimberly Kaye Terry

Tweet Wendy the Super Librarian‘s review of Hot to Touch by Kimberly Kaye Terry Contemporary Romance published by Kimani Romance 16 Nov 10 I have my core group of auto-buy authors, but category romance is the one sub genre where I still gleefully impulse buy....

REVIEW: Whisper Falls by Toni Blake

Tweet C2’s review of Whisper Falls (Destiny Series, Book 3) by Toni Blake Contemporary Romance published by Avon 28 Dec 10 Whisper Falls takes us back to Destiny, Ohio, a small town that sounds a good bit like some towns I’ve visited in Ohio, actually. Small towns...

REVIEW: Wedding of the Season by Laura Lee Gurhke

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Wedding of the Season (Abandoned at the Alter, Book 1) by Laura Lee Gurhke Historical Romance published by Avon 28 Dec 10 I had already chosen this book to review when I discovered in scheduling Lynne’s review that she also chose...

REVIEW: Wedding of the Season by Laura Lee Guhrke

Tweet LynneC’s review of Wedding Of The Season by Laura Lee Guhrke Historical Romance published by Avon 28 Dec 10 I hadn’t read Guhrke for a while, so I thought I’d give the first book in a new series a try. Unfortanatly, it didn’t work for me. But it might well work...

REVIEW: Ride the Fire by Jo Davis

Tweet Sandy M’s review of Ride the Fire (Firefighters of Station Five, Book 5) by Jo Davis Contemporary Romance published by Signet 7 Dec 10 I’ve only read two books in this series so far, but in each of my reviews I commented that I looked forward to...