by Sandy M | Jul 22, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Sandy M’s review of Sweetest Little Sin by Christine Wells Historical Romance published by Berkley 4 May 10 This is my first book by Christine Wells. While I like a lot of the elements of the book, there’s just something lacking that made it fall...
by Sandy M | Jul 21, 2010 | Excerpt |
Tweet I’ve had the pleasure to read and review both of Caroline Fyffe’s books, Where the Wind Blows and Montana Dawn, and each time when I closed the books after reading the last word, I was left with a feeling of contentment, of rightness, of experiencing...
by Sandy M | Jul 21, 2010 | Guests and Events |
Tweet Welcome to Duck Chat! Today we’re wandering into the historical romance world with Caroline Fyffe. Caroline’s second book is ready to release next week, so if you’re looking for sweet, heartwarming westerns, you should definitely pick up her...
by Sandy M | Jul 21, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Sandy M’s review of Montana Dawn by Caroline Fyffe Historical Western Romance published by Leisure Books 27 Jul 10 I said in my review of Ms. Fyffe’s debut book, Where the Wind Blows, that she’s an author to keep an eye on. With Montana Dawn,...
by Liviania | Jul 20, 2010 | Review |
Tweet Liviania’s review of SpellCrash (WebMage, Book 5) by Kelly McCullough Mythology/cyberpunk/fantasy released by Ace 25 May 2010 I somehow managed to not realize there existed a series that crossed mythology with cyberpunk. I managed to do this despite...